The Mezunian

Die Positivität ist das Opium des Volkes, aber der Spott ist das Opium der Verrückten

Why I Vote Democrat

I should add an addendum too long to not make an obnoxiously long title ( as if I were e’er allergic to such a thing ), that I am not saying “why I vote Democrat now that ‘democracy’, as the US calls their arbitrary electoral system, is in peril”, but “why I have voted Democrat e’ery election I could since I became an adult”. For 1, unlike the many bandwagonning moderate liberals & centrists who have just now noticed, I, as well as many leftists who were actually paying attention, was well aware o’ the US’s creepin’ an’ a crawlin’ toward fascism since the early 2000s, & since I actually have longterm memory, I remember that W. Bush succeeded where Trump failed when the Brooks Brothers managed to successfully Stop the Vote™.

One may be surprised that such a cynical person who memes ’bout Smashing Capitalism™ ( but not thru any actual physical means, ¡’cause that would be tiring! ), writes such extreme-to-the-max claims as the 100% accurate assertion that the US is not & has ne’er been a valid democracy, but is effectively an oligarchy, due to its electoral college, which gives states votes ’stead o’ people; its minority-rule senate, which is also voted in by states, not people; its supreme court for life, who can not only unilaterally eliminate any laws they want, but can also effectively create laws, making them defacto dictators for life, with no o’ersight & almost no practical means for reigning them in, & whose only theoretical boundary is that they have to vaguely fit some ol’ document that the living public ne’er voted on, making the US also effectively a constitutional theocracy; its legalized bribery; the fact that in Soviet America politicians choose voters thru gerrymandering; the stringent voter laws that intentionally make it difficult for ordinary people to vote, including the lack o’ a national holiday for voting, despite the existence o’ dozens o’ useless national holidays, which is unquestionable fact that the US only lacks a voting holiday ’cause the US hates the idea o’ people voting, ’mong many other wacky hijinks that ensue, & who yearly writes an article dunking on Democrats for constantly failing to make meaningful electoral victories despite consistently having many mo’ party members than Republicans for the past century ( it might have something to do with the US not being actually democratic, & therefore popularity is irrelevant to electoral success… ) would be as disgustingly mainstream as to vote for Demo-rats in, like, elections & stuff. I might as well listen to Imagine Dragons & play Among Us. Here are a few reasons:

1. As stated, the US itself hates the idea o’ its plebs voting, since it only begrudgingly taped together a fake democracy to ’scuse their coup gainst the English crown, since it’d be awfully stupid if the US fought a war to “free” themselves from the British monarchy just to become servile to ’nother & ’cause their aristocrats, who were actually s’posed to hold power, needed some means to orderly share power without everyone going to war with each other ( which was the threat that the weaker government set up by the Articles of Confederation was vulnerable to ). That by itself is a good reason to vote: to spite the US.

2. Republicans hate the idea o’ people voting for Democrats. Similarly, making Republicans feel spiteful is in itself a reward. Some may counter, “but then you give up the ability to make Democrats feel spiteful”, but making Democrats spiteful isn’t nearly as fun, tho the urge is tempting whene’er I hear them blame their voting demographic for their failure to make people want to vote for them. The truth is that Democrats spite themselves by their own self-loathing existence, so trying to make them feel spite is just a waste o’ time, whereas Republicans love themselves way too much — probably ’cause they’re the only ones who love them — & could use some spite to round out their character. As per my Pulitzer-winning Satiric Function for Determining Value o’ Mockery for Particular Participants, since Republicans have a higher ratio of opinion o’ their own intelligence vs. their actual intelligence than Democrats, spiting them is mo’ efficient, & therefore the mo’ rational choice.

3. Ironically, my greater cynicism makes me less susceptible to the reasons leftists make for not voting. Since I’ve already established that the US election is a farce, there’s no reason for me to feel any qualms gainst “voting” — that is to say, exploiting what feeble means the US gives me for having influence o’er US power as a form o’ compromise to prevent the plebs from revolting — for a Democrat, who, say, doesn’t shut down Guantanamo Bay ( ¿Why bother? The public has already forgotten it’s still up & keeping people locked up without trial ) or stop drone striking terrorists children & aid workers or mo’ importantly doesn’t raise his fist in the air & proclaim, <¡Down with the bourgeoisie!>, which would be useless, but a’least hilariously awesome to see, c’mon Biden, stop being a coward, since I’m not “voting” for them — I don’t get to choose who gets to be President, much less actually get to choose the specific details o’ policy — but merely flicking a 2-way switch in the direction less likely to lead to dead people. I’m utterly indifferent — actually I hold contempt for — pure-heart leftists who have ne’er soiled their imaginary soul “voting” for a war criminal, ’cause they hold the delusion that makes them not a collaborator to fascists, when the fact is that they still pay taxes & still obey the US government. The fact is that all US citizens are collaborators to fascism, end o’ discussion. It’s better that one acknowledges & accepts this fact & a’least tries to act in an underhanded manner that is most likely to end said fascism & a’least weakens the effects o’ said fascism than act in a purely symbolic manner that will solve nothing other than maybe ending up in Leftist Jesus’s book o’ pure souls & end up in Communist Heaven.

I mean, I guess I could storm the white house in my Super Squirtle Bros. T-shirt & no weapons ( as a sophisticated leftist who supports gun control, I, ’course, don’t have any vulgar guns or military training, which are insignificant in revolutions, which succeed based on how righteous & romantic they are, not based on such tedious vulgarities as tactics, support, & material ), but that would require leaving my house, & I can barely force myself to get out o’ bed. Someone else can do it, K. I’m sure all those savvy politicos who see thru the charade o’ the 2 corporate wings o’ the same party are prepping for that sexy communist revolution that’s going to happen any moment now, just you wait, & aren’t just sitting round whining & doing nothing.

4. It’s not e’en all that accurate to describe me as a “communist”, or anything, tho it certainly wouldn’t be accurate to call me pro-capitalist ( tho I’m sure there are plenty o’ people who will insist I am either-or ’cause I lack the 100% conviction necessary to not be a part o’ the other side ). This is not ’cause I’m an enlightened centrist who both-sides & thinks we should compromise & make poor people only half-slaves to the rich, but ’cause labeling people as political systems is stupid. If you live in a capitalist system, by definition you are not a communist, as you have to act like a capitalist to stay ’live. Only brain-dead libertarians ( ¡but I repeat myself! ) or the sheltered rich think acting 100% by one’s beliefs is the most practical means by which one makes those beliefs successful. For instance, a rich communist who gives all their money ’way to the poor is, perhaps, truer to their beliefs in an abstract, symbolic way ( read: in a religious way ), but they may have actually helped their cause better if they used that power to influence culture & politics toward communism — for example, by bribing politicians ( ¡they’re cheaper than you think! ) or spreading propaganda. Radicals who refuse to vote to stay “true” to their views are accomplishing nothing but self-owning.

The most accurate truth is that I, like any other rational person, am a consequentialist & utilitarian who doesn’t fret so much o’er some fantasy world I’d like to see, but based on the choices I can make in the present real world & what are the likely effects o’ those choices, both short-term & long-term ( the long-term point is important: 1 reason I do criticize filthy moderate “intellectuals” for watering down their opinions for the sake o’ not scaring people & gaining immediate influence on them is that it procrastinates teaching people inevitable reality, which has worse long-term effects; we could’ve avoided the political problems we’re having now if liberals acknowledged from the start that the US electoral system is broken @ its core & worked to solve it, rather than wait till its brokenness became obvious to e’eryone & it became too late to fix it. Unlike voting, where your choices are limited, you have no limits on what you can say, so there’s no reason for me to not go full radical with my pontifications, e’en while voting moderate ). When voting, I don’t think o’ such abstract dreams as “communism”; I think merely in terms o’ the effects o’ voting & not voting, & it turns out that voting Democrat leads to the most efficient outcome out o’ all choices.

5. Voting doesn’t compete with radical action in any way. It’s not like there’s some universal unbreakable law o’ physics that says you can’t vote & revolt @ the same time.

6. I don’t harbor as strong an aversion to “failure” as many mo’ idealistic leftists, mainly ’cause that “failure” barely lost me anything. ’Gain, it’s not as if not voting would’ve created an opportunity for sexy radical communism that I gambled ’way by voting. As obvious from my yearly articles ’bout it, I take Democrats failing for granted. It’s weird seeing so many young people express such disillusionment after voting, like, once, & then seeing Biden, ¡gasp!, didn’t fulfill his promise to erase all student debt. The fact that they expected much from Democrats, specially Democrats who only hold the presidency, the house, & half o’ the senate ( many wrongly claim the Democrats hold all 3 branches, which is obviously wrong: the 3 branches aren’t president, house, & senate; they’re the presidency, legislature, — including both the house & senate — & the supreme court; Democrats only unquestionably control 1 o’ these, arguably controls ’nother, & unquestionably doesn’t control the supreme court, who can just declare anything the other branches pass “unconstitutional”, anyway ), when they don’t e’en accomplish much when they do fully control the government, shows a level o’ political incompetence that is both immense & embarrassing. Like, they actually thought checking a bunch o’ boxes a few times once should’ve guaranteed them all their wishes fulfilled. It makes me wonder if these same people gave up on having jobs after being rejected from 1 job application & then just decided that applying for jobs is a waste o’ time. I thought ’twas obvious to e’eryone that in capitalism if you’re not born rich & powerful you have to fail ’gain & ’gain & ’gain & if you’re extremely lucky the 10,000th time you try you might manage to claw back for yourself a meager crumb o’ success. I don’t know how anyone can e’en survive living without having a strong tolerance for failure. Then ’gain, many o’ these people may be upper-middle-class people who ne’er had to struggle that much to get their material needs &, dabbling in politics, are bewildered by the fact that e’en moderately wealthy people have to try & fail many times to achieve any kind o’ success in politics — which is why they’re so idealistic & not as cynical as I am. Maybe after their family falls into poverty after the middle class collapses & they find they’re ineligible for food stamps ’cause the Republicans cut its funding they’ll discover a potent difference ’tween Democrats & Republicans.

7. In fairness to other leftists who may live in places where it’s hard or nigh impossible to vote, I live in a civilized state where you get your form in the mail, fill it out, & then put it in the mailbox. I probably spend mo’ time ordering groceries for the week than I do voting every half year ( I also understand that primaries are a thing & play a key role in making Democrats less lame, fellow young people who didn’t bother to vote in the 2020 Presidential primary & were “shocked” that their bro boi Bernie Sanders didn’t win & ’stead boring white ol’ inferior Obama whose best accomplishment is still playing as Luigi in Mario Kart won. Thanks, idiots ), which is just the right time investment that voting is worth in the US. I can understand people in 3rd-world US like Texas, where you have to register by mail or in-person ( apparently no one in Texas’s government knows how to use the internet or they think that Bill Gates will hack their computers & replace all their registrations with Bill Gates so he can trick the Texan government into letting him vote millions o’ times ); go thru the tedious rigmarole for getting an ID, which the US government should just send to you without needing to go to the DMV, since they already collect info on every conversation you’re having, anyway ( to be fair, Washington State still requires this if you want to get a job, which is still savagery ); & worse, ’less your ol’ or physically disabled, you have to wait in line for several hours @ some fucking elementary school like some beast. I could understand why somebody wouldn’t consider such degradation worth voting for some Democrat who calls Republicans “pro-rich socialists”, whate’er that is.

8. E’en if I’m cynical ’bout the US’s present electoral system, it’s obvious that I have a morbid curiosity for it in the same way I have a morbid curiosity for modern Nintendo games, e’en tho most o’ them aren’t good & I only play them for like an hour. A’least the US government doesn’t expect me to pay $60 — well, not yet, a’least. Unlike my mo’ idealistic, pure-@-heart fellow leftist who touches no evil, I have no qualms with getting dirty & moving a token with my grubby prole hands, e’en if I only get to move a pawn buried far ’hind giant queens.

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